Anyway, without further ado, here's my new Java book
I've already received my big box o' copies, and they look great!!! (If I do say so myself...)
I really had no choice but to write a new one. It's not just because my earlier book become kind of dated (after three years -- darn you, fast-moving world of information technology!!!), and not just because I thought of a whole bunch of additional topics I wanted to write about. The clincher was the horrible photo of me on my earlier book. The lesson is that if you do a quick snapshot that doesn't look too bad on a poor-resolution monitor, that doesn't mean it will necesssarily look nice printed in beautifully half-toned high-resolution black-and-white on a book cover. I couldn't even give out copies of my old book to friends because they kept making fun of the photo (it's unbelievable -- I look like a friggin' chimpanzee...). It's one of those cases where I wished the publisher had been impolite enough to write me back asking "Ummm... you're not really that ugly, are you?"
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little tiny bit, but I'm really proud of this new book. It represents some of my best engineering advice, and no author photo on the cover this time. Hehe!! :D
Totally Random question- Do you know Christine Hogan and Elliot Lear?
Hey Wayne!!!
Nope, I don't even know who you're talking about....
Holy crap, you know that much smart stuff?? I'm seriously impressed. Congratulations!!
Thanks Wry!!! :D
One day I hope to see my name as author of a real, published book. That'd be nice.
Congrats on the new book and good for you.
Hey C.V. Rick!!!
Well, finding a publisher for a tech book is a lot easier than finding a publisher for fiction or memoirs. That's no reason to get discouraged, though. I know a lot of people who have gotten novels and memoirs published. And you seem to definitely be on the right track: you have good quality work, plus you're working to build your audience. It's clear that in your case it's just a matter of time...
Hey, I ran into your blog from a post on UTI. I think it's great, so I'm going to add it to the links on my blog.
Hey John!!!
Fab, I'm happy to add you as well -- your blog looks great so far!!! :D
And I'm always happy to find a fellow godless exmo software engineer!!! ;^)
Congratulations! It must be thrilling to see your work published. Like Wry Catcher, I'm seriously impressed.
Thanks Paul!!!
How cool are you? You must get some serious cred points for writing about creating games! Hey, do you know Christine Hogan and Elliot Lear?
Umm, neither do I. Sorry Wayne, I was just being a bit silly
Congrats, Chanson!
Thanks Hm-UK!!!
Congratulations! The book looks interesting. I'll have to pick it up. My husband and I have been disappointed with the mobile games available on our phones. Maybe we'll have to try writing one of our own. :)
Thanks ordinarygirl -- that would be cool!!! :D
Congratulations... HIGH FIVE
Thanks Cynthia!!!
How is it possible that there are already two used copies available on Amazon? ;)
The title on the second book is much more interesting and grabbing than the first one.
Thanks Eric!!!
True, that's funny. I guess some people are just really fast readers...
That's very cool. It's scary for me to contemplate trying to get someone to hand over their hard earned cash to buy something that I wrote. It makes me a lot more self critical.
Hey Bull!!!
You're actually making it seem more serious than it really is. Actually, if you can save a bunch of people a few days' work by giving them some code examples (rather than making them figure it out for themselves) then they're happy to fork over money for it, and for good reason since they're being paid for their time... :D
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