Saturday, September 29, 2007

Atheist blogroll posted

Following the recommendation of Mojoey and others, I'm posting the whole atheist blogroll in the body of a post (rather than just the sidebar).

Since it's now more than 400 strong, Mojoey has suggested some fun blogroll activities, like having awards and such. This seemed like a fabulous idea until it hit me that I couldn't think of a single category that I'd be an obvious shoo-in for. After racking my brain a bit, the only thing I could come up with was "best friendly American exmormon atheist mom living in France." Then it hit me I might not even win that one, since I'm moving to Switzerland...

Oh, well, there's always the Bloggernacle's "Niblets". I'm seriously hoping to win one this next time. I hope I can count on my Bloggernacle friends to nominate me for "nicest evil villain" or something to that effect... ;^)

Anyway, here's the grand list of atheist internauts!!!

temporarily removed due to technical difficulties with Blogrolling.

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