On the morning of the wedding, we determined to sleep in a little bit. We were planning to meet April and Susan at the Hobbs' house, and we wanted to wait until we were sure that Brother and Sister Hobbs were gone to avoid crossing them and dealing with whatever wrath was the consequence of Rex's mother's visit the night before.
I had put on a church-style dress for the day, which wasn't my favorite thing to do, but I was willing to make a sacrifice for a special occasion.
At Matt's parents' house, we found the people who were not allowed to attend the wedding in the temple: April and Susan and Judy, my mom and her new husband Richard, and everyone who was too young to go to the temple, including Sam and Joe, plus a bunch of my little cousins. Read the rest of the story ->
I really enjoyed this section. I found myself getting really confused about the characters, so the character chart was very helpful. Probably if I read all of Temple Wedding (or the entire book) in one sitting, I wouldn't be confused. On the other hand, I get confused at my own family's weddings, so probably it's just me.
My only other comment is about typefaces: in my browser, the names of the books come out as bold italic. It seems rather, well, loud compared to the rest of the typeface. When the Book of Genesis and the Book of Mormon are being discussed, I imagined competing loud echo-y voices coming from heaven whenever the books were mentioned. Amusing, but a bit jarring.
Can't wait for the rest, as usual.
Thanks Mathmom!!!
About the character charts -- that was because the #1 complaint (or "constructive criticism" ;^) ) I've gotten from readers was that there are too many characters and it's hard to keep everybody straight. So, no problem -- I draw a few illustrations and include a chart (naturally cross-referenced to help clarify what the same characters did in earlier installments). ;^)
And thanks for the info about the typeface. It's meant to be just italic, but I'll see if I can figure out why it's giving you bold italics, and correct it.
Quote from the story: "I can kind of understand people who say that whenever evidence contradicts the scriptures it's the evidence that is wrong. That's wacky, but at least it's consistent. On the other end of the spectrum, I can perfectly relate to those Christians that say that the Bible is not to be taken literally. That's reasonable. But this idea that the Bible and the real world evidence are in sync -- well, that's just demonstrably false."
Perfectly expressed. Now if I could just convince my parents of this point...
Thanks Ivanm!!!
Yours and mine too... ;^)
I had to laugh at the evangelical Christians. They reminded me of some people I know.
wow. I'd've loved to've been a fly on the wall for this....
Thanks Chaplain and XJane!!! :D
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