I love the youth of the Church. I realize I can't entirely understand their struggles into adulthood, but I remember mine and write about them, and hope that sometimes I hit a common chord between them and me.-- Jack Weyland
I know that upon hearing his name Mormons and exmos alike will roll their eyes and say “Jack Weyland? Puh-leaze!” However, it's not just some sort of crazy fluke that his stories are as popular as they are. So I'd like to talk a little bit about his work.
I think the two principal criticisms of Weyland are the following:
1. A highly idealized (rather than realistic) portrayal of Mormon life,
2. Too much simple remixing of the same story elements, leading to repetition and a lack of narrative richness.
These weaknesses aside, Weyland's stories have a lot of wit and charm. His portrait of growing up Mormon is upbeat and positive, and – as indicated by the above quote – affectionate and sincere.
His treatment of adolescent issues isn't as simplistic as some might claim. For example, he does a good job of expressing the central importance of popularity. In his stories set in high school, he shows a range of social types and explores how they interact with each other. He has popular kids thinking about how they should treat unpopular kids, righteous kids concerned about how they should treat naughty/rebellious kids, etc.
In my opinion, Weyland's stories are more accurate and nuanced regarding teen popularity and social status than, say, Louise Plummer's in The Romantic Obsessions & Humiliations of Annie Sehlmeier, which is a novel about a new girl who moves into town the summer before her senior year of high school and apparently waltzes right into the middle of the most popular clique in the school with hardly a thought about it, giving the impression that her school has maybe twenty real live kids attending it and the rest are some sort of scenery. I'm not saying this to slam Louise Plummer, whose work is very strong overall. The only reason I mention her is because another of her novels is listed on A Motley Vision as potentially being a part of the canon of Mormon literature. So since Weyland's work is usually dismissed as fluff, I thought I'd mention one point where his stories compare favorably to those of another LDS author. In Weyland's universe, the kids are aware of the social structure, whereas in Plummer's book, the characters are concerned about relationships among the principal players, but the more general question of the characters' social place within the larger student body is completely absent.
Regarding Weyland's weaknesses, the repetitiveness is a little annoying, but the key is not to read too many of his books in a row. For your convenience, I've isolated the common elements of the batch of Jack Weyland stories I've read:
* a guy and girl express their love through doing silly, goofy things and/or through some church-related activities and good deeds; they proceed directly to the temple
* fishing or possibly hunting
* somebody dies or is dead, and everyone feels better about it because of Mormonism
* somebody joins the LDS church
* a priesthood blessing
* a guy is going on a mission or is just back, a girl is waiting for him
* the one and only thing that tempts the LDS youth not to choose the right is social pressure (note that temptation here is temptation to do something like not be nice to the unpopular kids – temptations like sex, for example, do not exist in his universe).
The fact that right always prevails and leads to happiness in his tales (while wickedness leads to misery) is pretty hard to miss. His stories are orthodox enough that they could appear in a lesson manual if they weren't sold for entertainment, which is probably why he was a staple of The New Era for a time. He doesn't even pay lip service to being fair to the opposition. For example, in Punch and Cookies Forever
Basically you have to accept that this is the perspective that he's writing from if you want to read his work. It is written as light entertainment and instruction, and as such it is intended to be pleasant and affirming to the sensibilities of LDS readers.
In Weyland's idealized Mormon world, he ends up portraying rather realistically aspects of Mormon culture that some might see as negative. In particular, he show young people who barely know each other (and don't even give the impression of being especially compatible) rushing into marriage. He shows submissive LDS girls completely submerging their identities into the goal of becoming a (temple-married) wife and mother. Virtue and spirituality are second nature to the Mormon girls in his stories, not a struggle. This is realistic in that a Mormon teenage boy might see Mormon girls this way, but in my opinion this image is as harmful and potentially damaging to girls as the unrealistic images of models in the fashion magazines that give them a negative body image.
These criticisms aside, Weyland's work is fun for the most part with lots of great details about what life is like for LDS teens and young adults. Reading his stories, I can't help but speculate about what Jack Weyland was like in high school and college himself. Given that he seems to relate better to the dilemmas faced by the popular kids and the fact that he clearly sees courtship and dating as a fun adventure (not something painful and frustrating), I would guess that he was a popular guy, a scholar/athlete, and a catch. :D
I get this idea by contrasting his work with my own novel Exmormon. I've admitted to having had a difficult time fitting in as a teen, and you can see the result in that my portrait of the LDS dating scene is incredibly cynical (although hopefully still entertaining).
Now I can hear all of you collectively sighing about how it always comes back to my novel eventually, doesn't it? Well, to steal a favorite blogging quote from Rebecca, “If you want something interesting, read a less self-indulgent blog.” ;-)
But seriously, it makes sense to compare my novel to Weyland's work since Exmormon is more an LDS-interest teen romance novel than it is anything else. And aside from the obvious overlap in subject matter, there are some stylistic similarities in that – like Weyland's stories – the focus is on the social interactions among an array of characters and the action is largely driven by ridiculous/humorous dialogs.
However, if Jack Weyland were ever to read my novel and then discover that I claim it has some common elements with his writings, he'd probably have a heart attack and die on the spot. So I'll mercifully stop here.
I can see the similarities between your book and JW's -- it's just that yours is so much BETTER that I have a hard time comparing them. His are so sugary sweet - much like eating an entire package of cookies and washing them down with a bowl of punch. Pretty sickening.
And JW does, occasionally, deal with sex, like in "Michelle and Debra." I don't remember which is which, but one is the perfect Molly Mormon who does everything right, and the other has sex. And the one who does everything right marries a guy who was offered sex by a girl whose lawn he mowed (not a euphemism), but he refused. The perfect guy and the perfect girl then have a glorious wedding night, and apparently the sex is great because they're both ecstatic in the morning.
Heeheehee -- you quoted me! Yay for me!
Hey Rebecca!!!
I'll have to go back and read Deborah and Michelle. It was similarly "recommended" by some of the exmo-socialites back when I was discussing this topic on the old exmo-social.
There was a short story along the same lines in one of the collections of his that I read last summer: the one girl's life is completely screwed-up because back in high school she'd had an abortion after letting her boyfriend have sex with her. The story didn't really deal with the temptation of sex though -- as far as one could tell, the girl hadn't necessarily even really wanted to have sex with her boyfriend, and possibly just went along with it for his sake. It was basically just a stern warning about how terrible the punishment will be...
btw - I think we actually have some of your old Jack Weyland books - at least my parents do. When I was home I saw them on the shelf in the basement - I don't know if we got them from your family or grandma...they look well read at least.
What? Are you claiming they aren't yours? ;^)
I think your parents may have gotten them from Grandma. Last time I was at my parents' house, all of the Jack Weyland books I remembered reading when I was younger were still there...
You know... I don't remember reading Jack Weyland books. (Maybe his stories in the New Era)... but we always borrowed our books from the library. So I gorged on Andre' Norton. That was where my compatibility was... (bad, bad sentence) LOL
I was so weird that I didn't even fit with the youth of the church.
Great analysis. And self-promotion is not selfishness.
Thanks Cynthia!!!
Selfish or not, I'm not going to stop doing it... ;^)
BTW, who's Andre' Norton? I've never heard of him...
Hi there! This may sound like one of those dark confessions, but I read a few of Jack's books. The first one being Charlie as a teenager & a few others after my mission. Way back then I was active & believing, so I thought they were great! I do believe that his stories did/do contribute on many ways to the mormom culture that makes many things transcend from the ways of a town/city to hard-core mormon doctrine to many people.
I used to have a co-worker who grew up with him in Twin Falls, Idaho--I don't know if that gives you additional insight into where he comes from & what he writes, LOL--
Either way, love your stories & always crack up reading them. I've linked you up from my own msn space, if that's OK...
Thanks MikeP!!!
That's wild -- I thought he was from Wyoming.
One of the regulars on exmo-social knew him as the bishop of her ward!!! She remembers him as a likable guy.
Andre' Norton is a her.. and she is the Grand Dame of Sci fi/fantasy. She wrote the Witch World Series. I am not so enamored of them now, but they were really good teenager novels. ALSO, she wrote under Andrew North because at the time women did not write sci fi.
Thanks JLO!!!
You can try, but I think we're giving you a run for your money... ;^)
My parents got me his books but I never read a single one of them. If I could get my hands on some, I'd read them now. Considering that I already finished every English language book at our little library...
now back to lurking
Hey Montchan!!!
You might as well read them if you get the chance -- just for cultural literacy, so you'll get all the Weyland references when talking to Mormons and Exmos... ;^)
Unfortunately, for some reason it's hard to find LDS teen romances outside of the Mormon corridor...
I read some loopy LDS teen novels back in SA, just not by JW. Because by definition I wouldn't read anything my parents got for me. Our stake center had a library with all sorts of stuff, including an uplifting teen section. Braf!
I meant BARF!!!! Yuk! Puke!!! can't spell today.
LOL, Montchan!!!
So you're an exmo too?
do you want to be linked into "Outer Blogness"? You don't have to talk about Mormonism on your blog or anything. It's fun to find another multi-cultural expat, and you've got a pretty exotic combination going there!!! :D
sure! And I will add you to my "oh ye of little faith" section. I talk about mo-things from time to time, too.
I've just added you. :D
i just have to say that Jack Weyland is the best writer that inspires me the most. I love his books. I have most of his collection. i think i'm only missing three. I just wish i could meet him and tell him how i much i love his books to his face.
Hey Anonymous!!!
A lot of people like his work. You can probably meet him at a book-signing or something -- they say he's a nice guy.
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