A huge thanks to Sister Mary Lisa for organizing this!!! I had a fantastic couple of days in Paris with the fabulous exmo ladies of Europe and Montana that you see pictured here: Aitch, Rip Zip, me, Sister Mary Lisa, and Wry Catcher!!! In this cartoon we're anxiously engaged in the time-honored exmo tradition of going out for a beer. Here you see us eagerly awaiting our beers at "The Kingdom of Beer" (La Royaume de la Bière).
The next day I got to meet another fabulous exmo blogger, Montchan. I'm hoping to arrange another trip to Paris with her for a little shopping and a visit to An Gel -- that looks like so much fun, and my hair could really use the attention... ;^)
During this visit unfortunately I only got to meet Montchan for a short breakfast and I wasn't really at my best. I like to claim I wasn't hung-over, but you can judge for yourself from the photo:

Chanson hides from the sun while breakfasting with the radiant Montchan.
That was such fun...when are we doing it again??!? I want two weeks next time.
Fab picture of you and Montchan!!
I think that this could become at least an annual event, don't you? If you were a bit hungover, you hid it really, really well!
Annual event? Like, totally!
Sounds fabulous!!!
Sounds like you gals had fun. :-)
Oh, how I'd LOVE to do that yearly!
Sorry for the late comment. I'm horrible!!
I loved meeting you! You were fabulous!
Thanks SML!!!
It was great meeting you, too!!!
Do you still keep in touch with Montchan? I've lost her. :( I hope she's OK...
Sorry, no -- I've lost track of her as well. I hope she's OK too...
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