Sunday, August 24, 2008


I'm not sure what has become of the latest Humanist Symposium, scheduled for yesterday at Uncredible Hallq. Perhaps it will show up eventually... ;^)

However -- as a special surprise -- I had a post included in the 63rd Carnival of Feminists without even submitting it!!! Thanks Genevieve/redwall33!!!

This inspired me to go read and contemplate some of the other great posts in the carnival, and especially reminded me that I haven't contributed anything to The Hathor Legacy in a long time. This, in turn, reminded me that I've also neglected Main Street Plaza and The Visitors' Center, and, really, haven't written as many articles as I'd like for my own blog right here.

The explanation is that I've been reading a lot more physical books lately. I don't think blogging and reading real books conflict philosophically (far from it), but they conflict logistically: five hours spent relaxing with a good book = five hours less leisure time to devote to coming up with blog articles. And ultimately I'm replenishing my capital of ideas. Every book is full of new ideas to contemplate which lead to new posts. ;^)

I was feeling a little wrung-out on ideas to write about, and I don't want to be scraping the bottom of the barrel, talking about stuff my blog friends have thoroughly covered or any old random thing I can think of about my kids. I don't want people going "Oh god, not another story about Nico and Léo..." I want people to be begging for another story about Nico and Léo. ;^)

And I've got a few posts in the works about what it's like to be an expat coming back to the U.S. for a visit (with kids!) and I hope you guys will come by and have a read. :D


dee said...

I'm totally excited to hear your expat views, so bring 'em on.

Aerin said...

I think spending time reading is important - although I do like reading your posts.

Can't remember where I read/heard about this. Some of the conservative talk show hosts (the ones with the three hour shows where they just talk the entire time and take calls) don't study or research before their shows. They just talk. They have a general idea of where they are going.

Not all, of course, but there are some exceptions (like the handful that I read/heard about). It's easy to recycle ideas, spreading misinformation (and I am just as guilty of this as anyone), it's not so easy to research a well-reasoned argument from both sides.

C. L. Hanson said...

Hey Wry!!!

Well, you know how it goes. I'm trying to find a way to describe my culture shock going back to the U.S.S.A. without getting lynched for excessive honesty... ;^)

Hey Aerin!!!

It's so true!!! As much as I adore the Internet, I think it's very easy to get mired in the same old haunts. Yet it's also so easy to find hints for paths to new ideas if you're looking for them. So many bloggers recommend their favorite books, and I think that's a great way to get ideas of where to go next!!! :D

Anonymous said...

It's up. Sorry about that.

UneFemmePlusCourageuse said...

Genevieve here...yeah, a bunch of people specifically submitted stuff to the Carnival...but I read here frequently, and I liked your Pink Phone Story, so I included it...glad you're happy about that.

C. L. Hanson said...

Thanks Uncredible Hallq!!!

Here it is!

Thanks Genevieve!!!

I've read your blog -- sorry I didn't make the connection between your blog and your comments here. I'll add you to my blogroll.