The worst thing that happened was that (John's partner) Mike got a temporary stomach flu and wasn't well enough to be in the family portrait:

My new niece also missed being in the portrait since she isn't quite out of the hospital yet -- but she's doing great, and her big sister expects to get to meet her soon.
I guess the closest thing to a faux pas was when my brother John remarked on how cool it is that we're increasing our family's diversity by adding a "corridor Mormon" for the first time in generations. (The rest of us are either "mission-field Mormons" or not Mormon at all -- and if you don't know what that means, then read this piece on our family history.) My sister Laurie then explained that her new fiance is from Moscow, Idaho -- which is so far north that it's hardly Idaho at all, it's practically Eugene, Oregon! Good thing we didn't mistake him for a Utah Mormon... ;^)
Well, I've looked at it on a map now, and they're quite right --- Moscow is in Idaho, but outside the corridor.
Glad you had a fun holiday! Sounds like it was less weird than ours :)
What a great pic! I'm glad you had a good time with family. By the way, I enjoyed reading your recent posts with your rather philosophical conversations with your children! I look forward to those with my daughter.
Hey John!!!
I always thought the corridor extended all the way to Alberta, but if it doesn't, I'm glad we cleared that up. :D
Thanks Hypatia and Marcus!!!
Did you guys post about your holiday too? I look forward to reading it. I'm still in vacation (in Holland now) and I've already overstepped my limited Internet time, but I'll catch up on my blog reading when I get back to Switzerland.
p.s. to all: My sister and my SiL have both posted their versions of our family Christmas, with lots of pictures!!!
see Everyone's in town and Christmas!
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