Sunday, September 16, 2007

Carnivals, carnivals!

I've been included in two new carnivals this week!!!

First Paul's impromptu carnival from around the net! Like me, Paul is a total blogging addict who reads hundreds of blogs -- but not quite the same ones as I do -- so he's been thoughtful enough to make a list of some of the most thought-provoking articles he's read lately.

Then I got into the Carnival of Liberals!!! Sort of. This carnival has a policy of only posting the top ten posts, so I figured it was a long shot since I haven't been following this carnival and my post was more about foreign policy than economics. And I didn't make it to the top ten. But I lucked out because this time they decided to include "honorable mentions" as well -- yay!!!

Plus, here are a couple of other fun carnivals not to miss: the Carnival of the Godless and the Skeptics Circle!!!


Paul Sunstone said...

Congratulations on your Honorable Mention, Chanson! And thank you for the mention here.

C. L. Hanson said...

No, thank you!!! ;^)