Sunday, November 28, 2010

I got a comic published in Sunstone Magazine!!

Sunstone's big comics issue just arrived in the mail -- including the above comic by yours truly!!

As you may recall, the deadline was too short for me to have time to draw something just for Sunstone, so I took the lazy-artist's route, and sent in some illustrations from my novel ExMormon with captions supplied by readers. As you can see, the winning caption was provided by Sabayon. (Note to Sabayon: I wrote in my bio sketch that you provided the caption, but the editors cut that part off, so all I can really offer you is the joy of knowing in your heart that you've been published in the Sunstone comics issue -- sorry!)

Here are the other panels I submitted, which didn't make the cut:


Donna Banta said...

Hooray!! I also like the ones that didn't make the cut. Good going!

Louise said...

That's really cool, congratulations!

Kiley said...

Congrats on the comic!

Th. said...


My apologies to Sabayon.

C. L. Hanson said...

Thanks all!!!

Th. -- don't worry, you did a great job on the issue!!

Petitemalfleur said...


JentheHumanist said...

Excellent! Congrats!