me: So what's it a picture of?
Léo: It's you, Mommy!
me: Oh, that's so sweet!!!
Léo: And look! You're on the potty, and you're peeing and pooping!
me: .... *grumble*, oh, great...
It's a faint pencil drawing, so it's a little hard to see -- click on it for the larger image.
I'm not sure precisely how to react. Léo is a huge fan of bathroom humor (see potty mouth: caca boudin pipi !), so I'm not sure whether to be pleased that he's including me in his interests, or whether I should gently suggest that this sort of portrait is kind of frowned upon by polite society....
any opinions?Tell him not to make pictures of crosses in urine or compose pictures of Mary with feces.
LOL, are trying to stunt his creative development or something? ;^)
Well, you may be the first non-porn star to post pictures of herself on the Internet peeing and pooping.
LOL, so true!!!
I thought about that (not really the porn star part, but the fact that most people don't post this sort of thing to the Internet), which is exactly why I had to post it. ;^)
Mothers' Day a couple years ago was perhaps a little more standard...
1 piece of white paper = $0.01
1 charcoal pencil = $0.25
Expression on your face while peeing and pooping = PRICELESS!
ROTFL!!! It's important to maintain a sense of humor about this -- it actually is kind of a cute drawing. ;^)
He's 5. No big deal. It's funny. If he gets to be 15 and graduates to doing artistic photography of you on the toilet...less funny.
I wonder if this is how the guys from south park got started....
That is the best mother's day present ever. You must matte and frame it. Hang it in your bathroom.
He'll figure it out soooner or later. Personally I think it's hysterical. He may not be as art-inclined as his brother but I think his drawing is immensely creative. I'd let him go for it and be OK with the chips falling where they may.
ROFL!! That is the best MD present EVER!! Frame it for posterity. The traumatic expression on your face is itself reason enough.
Before you explained what the photo was, I thought it was a picture of Earth. Maybe it functions as some kind of Rorschach test...? :-D
lol. awesome...
Tag. You're it.
your son is brilliant!
and everyone poops.
(you should get him that book for his b-day)
Thanks everyone!!!
Everybody Poops is a great idea -- he would love that! :D
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