Saturday, September 10, 2022

A Tower with a Magic Train Portal!

 This is probably my favorite building that I designed and built for Totally Normal Town. As you can see, it's a castle tower that is built into a rugged rock formation with a waterfall trickling down the side into a stream or small lake with a cave and a little foot-bridge (with a little frog habitat on the other side).

The waterfall was originally inspired by a waterfall in the "Mountain Hut" 3-in-1 constructor set which I'd already improved on in my custom version from 2014.

Here's a more detailed view where you can see the entrance to the cave:

A few cool things about this design:

1. The train tracks go into a cave that contains a magic portal (that was designed and built by Nico). He also made some additional matching magic portals so that we can play that the train goes into the portal and comes out in other places where we've built Legos in our apartment.

2. The top two segments of the tower can be removed so that you can look into the rooms inside.

3. The top cone of the tower looks like a specialized piece that would only make sense as a tower-topper -- at least I like to joke that it is. Most people correctly guess that it's the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon.

Here are some more pictures that showcase the complete build:

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